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\|/ \|/
---------------------| Welcome to Phoenix for AmIRC |---------------------
/|\ /|\
$VER: Phoenix.doc 1.17 (27.11.96) by |Paladin|
This package is based upon Phoenix v2.27++ (for unix ircII) and works
best with AmIRC v1.11. While it can be use with earlier versions,
internal changes in AmIRC will make some functions unusable.
You can get the current version of this package from me ("|Paladin|" on
Undernet) or via email to nidalap@cris.com. You may add yourself to the
Phoenix mailing-list by emailing me with subject "Phoenix-list" and
message body "ADD". I only guarantee that a version directly from me is
free of intentional backdoors. I am not responsible for (mis)use or any
resulting damage. Use at YOUR own risk.
This product is Freeware (freely distributable, author retains copyright).
Files included in this archive:
bin/.phoenix.cfg - Phoenix configuration file
bin/Default.AmIRCfg - Replacement or incorporable AmIRC config
bin/lamer - Text converter used by /TALK
bin/Phoenix-AmIRC - Run-script to start Phoenix and AmIRC
bin/Phoenix-AmIRC.info - Icon for above
bin/sanamon - Monitors IP packets used by /TRACE
bin/rexx/Galaxynet.map - Galaxynet server list used by /SPLIT
bin/rexx/map.amirx - Script to make other maps for /SPLIT
bin/rexx/Phoenix.amirx - Phoenix interface
bin/rexx/Phoenix - Main program
bin/rexx/Undernet.map - Undernet server list used by /SPLIT
Libs/rexxplslib.library - v1.33
MUI/MUIRexx - v2.1b
MUI/Libs/MUI/Icon.mcc - Required by MUIRexx
WBStartup/RPStart - RexxPlus host
WBStartup/RPStart.info - Icon for above
aminuts.lzx - How Aminet admins ban ARexx
Install_Phoenix - Installer script
Install_Phoenix.info - Icon for above
Phoenix.doc - ASCII documentation
Phoenix.doc.info - Icon for above
Phoenix.guide - AmigaGuide documentation
Phoenix.guide.info - Icon for above
Phoenix.history - Version changes
REQUIREMENTS (not included):
· AmigaOS v3.0+ (required by MUIRexx)
· AmIRC v1.1+ by Oliver Wagner (ftp.vapor.com:/support/amirc/)
· ARexx v1.15
· MagicUserInterface v3.0+ (with ARexx interface enabled)
A1200 NOTE: Current versions have small chance of running on A1200.
If you are amoung those that instantly guru switch to version 1.12a
or wait for 2.0.
1) Unarchive with the -a switch to preserve file attributes
(eg. lzx -a x Phx1_17 ram:).
2a) Use the included Install_Phoenix script for automated installation.
2b) If you'd rather manually install Phoenix:
· Copy Default.AmIRCfg, .phoenix.cfg, lamer, Phoenix-AmIRC*
and sanamon to the same directory as AmIRC (or cut/paste to your
existing Default.AmIRCfg). Sanamon & lamer may be placed anywhere
else in your command path instead.
· Copy Phoenix.amirx, Phoenix.rexx, map.amirx, and *.map to rexx/
in AmIRC's directory.
· Copy *.library to your Libs: directory.
· Copy MUIRexx to your MUI: directory.
· Copy Icon.mcc to your MUI:Libs/MUI/ directory.
· Copy RPStart* to your SYS:WBStartup/ directory.
· Copy *.doc*, *.guide*, and *.history to wherever you want.
· Edit paths in .phoenix.cfg, Phoenix-AmIRC, and Phoenix.amirx.
3) Reboot so that the new program in WBStartup/ is activated.
· Auto-Op Friends on Join
· Auto-BanKick Enemies on Join
· Auto-Send files(packs) from list
· Auto-Get or Resume offered files
· Auto-Send SOUND files
· Auto-Request new SOUNDs
· Auto-Join on Invite from All or Friends
· Auto time display
· Channel Cycling
· Channel Configuration database
· DCC Limit
· Flood protection
· User login tracking (!SEEN <nick>)
· Raw packet tracing (non-IRC flood tracing)
· Protect Friends from DeOp/Ban
· Protect Channel from Flooding/Mass-Modes/Net-Split Hacking/Screw-Bans
· Protect/Enforce Channel Modes
· Prevent Chain-Opping
· Requested Op/Invite/UnBan/Anon-Kick commands for Friends
· Revenge Kick on DeOp/Ban/Kick of Friends
· Saves messages while Away
· Security
· Text/Command redirection to Channel/Nick
· Variable local feedback
· Phoenix 2.27++ compatible command syntax
· GUI option for many commands
· Flags for defining operation of each feature
· Mass/Channel-wide Ban/UnBan/Op/Deop/Msg/Notice/CTCP
· Random Nick
· Random I-Nick
· War Mode - BKick on DeOp/Ban/Kick of Friends/self
· Favorite channel list
· Country code lookup
· Split server finder
Keyword Valid Value Description
----------- ----------- -----------------------------------------------
autop 0/1 Auto-op OP-Friends when they join channel.
autobk 0/1 Auto-BK Enemies when they join channel.
autoc 0/1 Enable extended CTCP Friend commands
autom 0/1 Autoget uses MOVE instead of GET.
bgops 0/1 Gain Ops on empty/split channel.
bmode 0/1 Enforce config'd channel modes.
bseen 0/1 Enable "!SEEN" processing.
cprot 0/1 Channel flood/mass-mode protection.
chain 0/1 Disallow chain-opping
(only Friends can give out ops on channel).
delop 0/1 Delayed Auto-Op.
floodp 0/1 Flood protection.
nhp 0/1 Net-split hack protection.
noscrew 0/1 Undo screw-type bans placed in channel.
reqsnd 0/1 Auto-Request new SOUNDs via !nick <snd>.
revenge 0/1 Kick those that ban/kick/deop you or
sic 0/1 Show INVITE-able channels to INVITE-Friends.
war 0/1 Ban those that ban/kick/deop you, PROT-Friends,
or try to unban someone on your Enemy list
(war-mode forces revenge ON & autoget OFF,
and ignores all incoming CTCPs).
xdcc 0/1 Enable auto-send (XDCC cmds) from file list.
xkick 0/1 Kick those trying to access your XDCC cmds
that don't meet the current SEC requirement.
xsnd 0/1 Enable auto-send (!yournick <snd>) SOUNDs.
autoj 0/1/2 Auto-join channel as soon as you are invited;
0 - Never,
1 - Always,
2 - Only from INVITE-Friends.
autoget 0/1/2 Auto accept incoming file offers;
0 - Disable autoget,
1 - Accept *all* offers,
2 - XDCC-Friends only.
friendp 0/1/2 Protect PROT-Friends from ban/de-op;
0 - No protection,
1 - Protect,
2 - Protect but no revenge against other
sec 0/1/2 XDCC (autosend) access;
0 - No security,
1 - XDCC-Friends only,
2 - Channel-Ops & XDCC-Friends only.
verb 0/1/2 Phoenix feedback verbosity;
0 - Off/Quiet,
1 - Low,
2 - High.
bkey <char> Attention key for bot-like functions.
btype 'N'/'S' Type of Ban-mask to use;
'N' - Normal (ie. *!*name@*.domain.org),
'S' - Screw (ie. *!*n?m?@*.do?a??n.?r?).
xlimit <any #> Maximum number of Autoget/send xfers at once.
reset <any #> Seconds before Flood Protection resets.
igtime <any #> Minutes to Ignore a flooder.
sens.PRIVMSG <any #> Number of Message it takes to trip FloodP.
sens.NOTICE <any #> Number of Notices " " " " " .
sens.CTCP <any #> Number of CTCPs " " " " " .
sens.DEOP <any #> Number of DeOps " " " " CProt.
sens.KICK <any #> Number of Kicks " " " " " .
phxdir <path> Full path where Phoenix data file are
to be accessed (eg. "inet:bin/").
alist <filename> File to save Away messages
(eg. ".phoenix.away").
elist <filename> Name of Enemy list (eg. ".phoenix.enemy").
flist <filename> Name of Friend list (eg. ".phoenix.friend").
slist <filename> Name of last Seen list (eg. ".phoenix.seen").
xlist <filename> Name of Offer list (eg. ".phoenix.xdcc").
autobkmsg <string> Auto-BK Enemy message (eg. "| Auto BKick |").
cfmsg <string> Channel Flood kick message (eg. "| Flood |").
flmsg <string> Flood Protection triggered message
(eg. "You have triggered my Flood
Protection! Ignoring you.").
frimsg <string> Revenge-Kick for PROT-Friend message
(eg. "| Don't mess with my friends! |").
reqkmsg <string> KICK-Friend Requested-kick message
(eg. "| Requested |").
revmsg <string> Revenge-Kick message (eg. "| Re\/enge |").
wkmsg <string> Word-Kick message (eg. "| WordKick |").
xkmsg <string> XDCC-Kick message (eg. "| XDCC Kick |").
This is not meant to be an introduction to IRC, its commands, or its
terminology. Join one of the help channels (#amirc, #ircnewbies, etc)
if you are confused.
/J <chan/?> [chan] .. - Joins channel(s) (# is not needed, nor is keyword
for config'd channels),
/J ? - pops up a GUI list with your favorite channels.
/L - leave current channel.
/CYCLE [#channel] - Quickly leaves & rejoin channel.
/WI, /WW <nick> - Display WHOIS & WHOWAS info on <nick>.
/WII <nick> - Display whois info on <nick> and their idle time.
(If known, both above also show who last opped/deopped them.)
/SERV <server> - Switch to <server>.
/SB - Show all bans on current channel.
/EXEC <command> - Redirect output of CLI <command> to current channel.
/TYPE <filename> - Display a file to your current channel.
/TIME [nick] - get [nick]'s local time or display your local time.
/VER, /VERSION [nick] - get [nick]'s client version info or Phoenix version.
/P [nick/chan] - Ping <nick/chan>. /P - Pings your current server.
/PC - Ping current channel.
/AP - Ping yourself.
/DC <nick> - Send a DCC CHAT request to <nick>.
/SC - Show who is on your current channel.
/IG <nick> - Ignore everything from <nick>.
/NOIG <nick> - Unignores <nick>.
/SETAWAY - Sets you away with default reason. Logs all messages.
/AWAY <reason> - Sets you away with <reason>. Logs all messages.
/BACK, /SETBACK - Sets you back, & reports # of messages received.
/LMSG - Display away message(s).
/DMSG - Delete away message(s).
/STATUS - Display your current Phoenix configuration.
/MM <nicks> :<text> - sends <text> msg to all <nicks>.
/N <nicks> :<text> - sends <text> notice to all <nicks>.
/QUIT - normal quit (must use this or /SQUIT to cleanly quit Phoenix).
/SHUTDOWN [!] - quit Phoenix script (if still an Event it will be reloaded
automatically after next msg unless [!] is specified).
/CONFIG - Invoke the GUI configuration window.
/SAVE - Saves your current PhoEniX settings to the config file.
/RELOAD - Reload settings from your config file.
/SENS <PRIVMSG/NOTICE/CTCP/DEOP/KICK> [#] - Set # of msgtype required to
trigger flood protection.
/RESET [#] - Set flood timeout(seconds).
/IGTIME [#] - Set time(minutes) to ignore a flooder.
/FLOODP [ON/OFF] - Turns personal flood protection <ON/OFF>.
/FRIENDP [ON/OFF/CHECK] - Protect Friends from ban/deop.
/NHP [ON/OFF] - Turns netsplit hack protection <ON/OFF>.
/CPROT [ON/OFF] - Turns channel flood/bomb protection <ON/OFF>
/ENFORCE [ON/OFF] - Enforce config'd channel modes.
/REVENGE [ON/OFF] - Turns revenge kick <ON/OFF>
/WAR <ON/OFF> - Turns revenge bankick <ON/OFF> and ignores all incoming
/VERB [OFF/LOW/HIGH] - Turns extended command feedback <OFF/LOW/HIGH>.
/AUTOJ [ON/OFF/FRIENDS] - Turns AutoJoin on INVITE <ON/OFF> or only from
<FRIENDS> with INVITE flag.
/AUTOP [ON/OFF] - Turns Auto-Op friends on JOIN <ON/OFF>.
/DELAYOP [ON/OFF] - Turns Auto-Op random delay <ON/OFF>.
/AUTOGET [OFF/ON/XDCC] - to switch Autogetting of files ON/OFF/XDCC.
/AUTOM [ON/OFF] - <ON> makes Autoget use MOVE instead of GET.
/CHAIN [ON/OFF] - Turns Chain-Op prevention <ON/OFF>.
/NOSCREW [ON/OFF] - Turns Screw-Ban prevention <ON/OFF>.
/REQSND [ON/OFF] - to turn auto-requesting of new SOUNDs ON or OFF.
/SIC [ON/OFF] - to turn display of INVITE-able channels <ON/OFF>.
/SEEN [ON/OFF] - Enable !SEEN <nick> processing.
/XSND [ON/OFF] - to turn SOUND server ON or OFF.
/XDCC [ON/OFF] - to turn XDCC file server ON or OFF.
/STATUS - Display your current Phoenix configuration.
/ADDF <nick/mask/-GUI> [flags]. Privilege flags you may assign include:
(To give them all available access, type /ADDF <nick> ALL)
/LISTF - Lists everyone on your Friends list and access levels.
/REMF <nick/mask/ALL/-GUI> - Removes <nick/mask> from the Friends list.
/ADDBK <nick/mask> - Adds <nick> or <mask> to your Enemy list.
/REMBK <nick/mask/ALL> - Removes <nick/mask> from your Enemy list.
/LISTBK - Lists your complete Enemy list.
/ADDC <chan> [modes] - Adds channel to your configuration.
/LISTC - Lists your configured channels.
/REMC <chan> [chan] .. - Removes channels from your configuration.
/XL - Does a /CTCP <Current Channel> XDCC LIST to see files offered.
/ASKHOST <address> - Perform DNS lookup on <address>.
/COUNTRY <domain> - Display country name from abreviated extension.
/SOUND [nick/#channel] <sound/?> - Sends SOUND-play to [nick] (defaults
to current channel), '?' lets you select from a requestor.
/SPLIT [-] - Find split servers and display to current channel or just
to yourself [-]. If you don't have a server map for the net you use,
you will have to create one with the included map.amirx and rename it
(Undernet = "Undernet.map", Dalnet = "Dalnet.map", Galaxynet =
"Galaxynet.map", Arcnet = "Arcnet.map", efnet = "efnet.map").
/TALK <text> - converts <text> to LamerTalk and sends to channel.
/TRACE [[address] [secs]] - Trace packets from all or from [address].
Default of 30 secs may be changed with the [secs] option.
/WORDKICK <word> [word2] [word3] ... - Kick anyone that says a word in
your wordkick list from the channel they said it in.
/REMWORD <word/ALL> [word2] [word3] ... - Remove word(s) from your
WordKick list. ALL clears your WordKick list.
/INICK - Changes your nick to random string of Il|][ characters.
/RNICK - Changes your nick to random ASCII string.
/MYNICK - return to your original (pre-INick/RNick) nick.
/SQUIT - fakes a server split as you quit.
/BREAK <process ID> - Sends Ctrl-C to external process #.
/VER - Shows complete Phoenix version string.
/C <mode(s)> - Sets <mode(s)> on current channel.
/INV, /I <nick> [nick2 nick3] - Invite <nick(s)> to your current channel.
/K <nick> [reason] - Kicks <nick> of current channel for <reason>.
/BK <nick> [reason] - Deops, bans, & kicks <nick>.
/T <topic> - Changes topic to <topic>. /T - Shows topic author.
/DEOP <nicks>|ALL|ALLBUT <nicks> - Deops <nicks> on current channel.
ALL deops everyone but yourself,
ALLBUT deops everyone but yourself and listed <nicks>.
/OP <nicks>|ALL|ALLBUT <nicks> - Ops <nicks> on current channel.
ALL ops everyone,
ALLBUT ops everyone but listed <nicks>.
/BAN <nick(s)/mask(s)/ALL> - Ban any number of <nicks/masks> on your
current channel. Each <nick> converted to current BanType mask.
(Use /BTYPE to change default bantype.)
/BAN ALL - bans everyone but yourself.
/BTYPE <N,S> - Sets ban type to normal or screw.
Used for AUTOBK, WAR, & /BAN.
N (Normal) *!*user@*.domain.org
S (Screw) *!*u??r@*.d??a?n.?rg [randomized]
(IP Addresses (Numerical) will be detected and banned correctly.)
/UNBAN <nick|mask> [nick|mask] ... - Undo ban(s) on the current channel.
/UNBAN <nick> - Unbans <nick> on your current channel.
/UNBAN <mask> - Reverses all bans matching <mask> on your channel.
/WAR <ON/OFF> - Turns revenge bankick <ON/OFF> and ignores all incoming
XDCC COMMANDs (file related):
/REQSND [ON/OFF] - to turn auto-requesting of new SOUNDs ON or OFF.
/XSND [ON/OFF] - to turn SOUND server ON or OFF.
/XDCC [ON/OFF] - to turn XDCC file server ON or OFF.
/XDCC LIST <#> - to get a list of your offered packs.
/XDCC SEC <ON/OFF/OPS> - Turns XDCC Security ON, OFF or OPS only.
/XDCC NOTICE [#channel/nick] - to make a public notice that you are
offering files.
/XDCC PLIST [#channel/nick] - display your file list to the a channel
or <nick>. (default is current channel)
/XDCC SEND - to send files.
/XDCC PSEND - to send packs.
/XDCC GET - to get files.
/XDCC STATUS - to get XDCC status.
/XDCC OFFER - to offer files to people.
/XDCC DOFFER <#n|*> - remove pack #n from offered list or all packs(*).
/XDCC AUTOGET [ON/OFF/XDCC] - to switch Autogetting of offered files
/XDCC KICK [ON/OFF] - to switch Autokick of unregistered XDCC requests
/XDCC LIMIT <num> - to set your XDCC AUTOSEND limit.
REMOTE CTCP COMMANDs: (/CTCP <nick> <command>)
HELP - List commands available to that user.
INVITE <#channel> - Send invite to user for <#channel>.
KICK <#channel> <nick> - KICK <nick> from <#channel>.
OP <#channel> - Give channel operator status to user on <#channel>.
UNBAN <#channel> - Remove ban on user from <#channel>.
!<yournick> <sound> - AutoSend Sound to user if it exists (only if
/XSND is ON).
!SEEN <nick> - Checks for & displays when you last saw <nick>.
Oliver Wagner - for AmIRC.
Jay Weber - for Exec.amirx, Type.amirx, AmigaGuide docs help,
feedback & alpha testing.
Russ Leighton - for MUIRexx.
Walter Productions - for split.cb.
Troy Davis - for Away.amirx
Many others - for beta testing.
ASDG - for CynusEd.
Various users - for emailing useful bug reports.